Land, Language, and Art

A Humanities Council Global Initiative

Land, Language, and Art (LLA), a Global Initiative from the Humanities Council, aims to extend the Native American and Indigenous Studies Initiative at Princeton (NAISIP) into new global dimensions pertaining to land, language, and art. Through reciprocal collaborations with Native American communities — starting with those most impacted by the University’s history and location on Lenapehoking, home of the Lenape people — LLA will produce cutting-edge research, artistic productions, language revitalization, and innovative learning environments that expand academic disciplines through fuller integration of Indigenous knowledge.

We encourage ideas from humanities researchers that cross fields and/or departments. Proposals considered for the 2023-24 academic year might include:

  • Undergraduate course-related travel
  • Graduate student (research) workshops
  • Faculty/graduate student reading and discussion groups
  • Excursions
  • Faculty (research) support
  • Graduate student (research) support
  • International interdisciplinary graduate student workshops
  • Visiting speakers
  • Academic conference support

Sarah Rivett (English, Effron Center) is LLA project director.

You may send initial inquiries to Sarah Malone (English), project manager, at any time. Please email [email protected] and [email protected].